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Volume Segmenter

Segment 3-D grayscale or RGB volumetric images

Since R2020b


The app can be used to create and refine a binary or semantic segmentation mask for a 3-D grayscale or an RGB image using automated, semi-automated, and manual techniques.


The app is not supported in MATLAB® Online™. For details, see Specifications and Limitations.

Volume Segmenter app

Open the Volume Segmenter App

  • MATLAB Toolstrip: Open the Apps tab, under Image Processing and Computer Vision, click the Volume Segmenter app icon.

  • MATLAB command prompt: Enter volumeSegmenter.


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Load a volume into the workspace.

load(fullfile(toolboxdir("images"),"imdata","BrainMRILabeled", ...

Load the corresponding labeled volume into the workspace.

load(fullfile(toolboxdir("images"),"imdata","BrainMRILabeled", ...

Open Volume Segmenter specifying both the volume and the labeled volume.


Related Examples

Programmatic Use

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volumeSegmenter opens a volume segmentation app.

volumeSegmenter(V) opens the Volume Segmenter app, loading the volume V into the app. Volume V is a scalar valued m-by-n-by-p or m-by-n-by-p-by-3 image of class uint8, uint16, uint32, int8, int16, int32, single, or double.

volumeSegmenter(V,L) opens the Volume Segmenter app, loading the volume V and the labeled volume L into the app. The labeled volume L is a scalar valued m-by-n-by-p image of class logical, categorical, uint8, uint16, uint32, int8, int16, int32, single, or double.

volumeSegmenter(___,"Show3DDisplay",TF) logical value that specifies whether the Volume Segmenter includes a visualization of the 3-D volume in the app. The default value is true. However, the default is false on platforms where 3-D display is not supported, such as, Linux platforms, or on Windows platforms that use software versions of OpenGL.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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See Also
