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Bisection Algorithm to Calculate Square Root of an Unsigned Fixed-Point Number

This example shows how to generate HDL code from MATLAB® design implementing a bisection algorithm to calculate the square root of a number in fixed point notation.

Same implementation, originally using n-multipliers in HDL code, for wordlength n, under sharing and streaming optimizations, can generate HDL code with only one multiplier demonstrating the power of MATLAB® HDL Coder™ optimizations.

The design of the square-root algorithm shows the pipelining concepts to achieve a fast clock rate in resulting RTL design. Since this design is already in fixed point, you don't need to run fixed-point conversion.


% Design Sqrt
design_name = 'mlhdlc_sqrt';

% Test Bench for Sqrt
testbench_name = 'mlhdlc_sqrt_tb';

Lets look at the Sqrt Design

1     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2     % MATLAB design: Pipelined Bisection Square root algorithm
3     % 
4     % Introduction:
5     % 
6     % Implement SQRT by the bisection algorithm in a pipeline, for unsigned fixed
7     % point numbers (also why you don't need to run fixed-point conversion for this design).
8     % The demo illustrates the usage of a pipelined implementation for numerical algorithms.
9     %
10    % Key Design pattern covered in this example: 
11    % (1) State of the bisection algorithm is maintained with persistent variables
12    % (2) Stages of the bisection algorithm are implemented in a pipeline 
13    % (3) Code is written in a parameterized fashion, i.e. word-length independent, to work for any size fi-type
14    % 
15    % Ref. 1. R. W. Hamming, "Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers," 2nd, Ed, pp 67-69. ISBN-13: 978-0486652412.
16    %      2. Bisection method,, (accessed 02/18/13).
17    %      
19    %   Copyright 2013-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
21    %#codegen
22    function [y,z] = mlhdlc_sqrt( x )
23        persistent sqrt_pipe
24        persistent in_pipe
25       if isempty(sqrt_pipe)
26           sqrt_pipe = fi(zeros(1,x.WordLength),numerictype(x));
27           in_pipe = fi(zeros(1,x.WordLength),numerictype(x));
28       end
30       % Extract the outputs from pipeline
31       y = sqrt_pipe(x.WordLength);
32       z = in_pipe(x.WordLength); 
34       % for analysis purposes you can calculate the error between the fixed-point bisection routine and the floating point result.
35       %Q = [double(y).^2, double(z)];
36       %[Q, diff(Q)]
38       % work the pipeline
39       for itr = x.WordLength-1:-1:1       
40           % move pipeline forward
41           in_pipe(itr+1) = in_pipe(itr);
42           % guess the bits of the square-root solution from MSB to the LSB of word length
43           sqrt_pipe(itr+1) = guess_and_update( sqrt_pipe(itr), in_pipe(itr+1), itr );
44       end
46       %% Prime the pipeline
47       % with new input and the guess
48       in_pipe(1) = x;
49       sqrt_pipe(1) = guess_and_update( fi(0,numerictype(x)), x, 1 );
51       %% optionally print state of the pipeline
52       %disp('************** State of Pipeline **********************')
53       %double([in_pipe; sqrt_pipe])
55       return
56    end
58    % Guess the bits of the square-root solution from MSB to the LSB in
59    % a binary search-fashion.
60    function update = guess_and_update( prev_guess, x, stage )    
61        % Key step of the bisection algorithm is to set the bits
62        guess = bitset( prev_guess, x.WordLength - stage + 1);
63        % compare if the set bit is a candidate solution to retain or clear it
64        if ( guess*guess <= x )        
65            update = guess;
66        else        
67            update = prev_guess;
68        end
69        return
70    end

Simulate the Design

It is always a good practice to simulate the design with the testbench prior to code generation to make sure there are no runtime errors.

Iter = 01| Input = 0.000| Output = 0000000000 (0.00) | actual = 0.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 02| Input = 0.000| Output = 0000000000 (0.00) | actual = 0.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 03| Input = 0.000| Output = 0000000000 (0.00) | actual = 0.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 04| Input = 0.000| Output = 0000000000 (0.00) | actual = 0.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 05| Input = 0.000| Output = 0000000000 (0.00) | actual = 0.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 06| Input = 0.000| Output = 0000000000 (0.00) | actual = 0.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 07| Input = 0.000| Output = 0000000000 (0.00) | actual = 0.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 08| Input = 0.000| Output = 0000000000 (0.00) | actual = 0.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 09| Input = 0.000| Output = 0000000000 (0.00) | actual = 0.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 10| Input = 0.000| Output = 0000000000 (0.00) | actual = 0.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 11| Input = 4.625| Output = 0000010000 (2.00) | actual = 2.150581 | abserror = 0.150581
Iter = 12| Input = 12.500| Output = 0000011100 (3.50) | actual = 3.535534 | abserror = 0.035534
Iter = 13| Input = 16.250| Output = 0000100000 (4.00) | actual = 4.031129 | abserror = 0.031129
Iter = 14| Input = 18.125| Output = 0000100010 (4.25) | actual = 4.257347 | abserror = 0.007347
Iter = 15| Input = 20.125| Output = 0000100010 (4.25) | actual = 4.486090 | abserror = 0.236090
Iter = 16| Input = 21.875| Output = 0000100100 (4.50) | actual = 4.677072 | abserror = 0.177072
Iter = 17| Input = 35.625| Output = 0000101110 (5.75) | actual = 5.968668 | abserror = 0.218668
Iter = 18| Input = 50.250| Output = 0000111000 (7.00) | actual = 7.088723 | abserror = 0.088723
Iter = 19| Input = 54.000| Output = 0000111010 (7.25) | actual = 7.348469 | abserror = 0.098469
Iter = 20| Input = 62.125| Output = 0000111110 (7.75) | actual = 7.881941 | abserror = 0.131941
Iter = 21| Input = 70.000| Output = 0001000010 (8.25) | actual = 8.366600 | abserror = 0.116600
Iter = 22| Input = 81.000| Output = 0001001000 (9.00) | actual = 9.000000 | abserror = 0.000000
Iter = 23| Input = 83.875| Output = 0001001000 (9.00) | actual = 9.158330 | abserror = 0.158330
Iter = 24| Input = 83.875| Output = 0001001000 (9.00) | actual = 9.158330 | abserror = 0.158330
Iter = 25| Input = 86.875| Output = 0001001010 (9.25) | actual = 9.320676 | abserror = 0.070676
Iter = 26| Input = 95.125| Output = 0001001110 (9.75) | actual = 9.753205 | abserror = 0.003205
Iter = 27| Input = 97.000| Output = 0001001110 (9.75) | actual = 9.848858 | abserror = 0.098858
Iter = 28| Input = 101.375| Output = 0001010000 (10.00) | actual = 10.068515 | abserror = 0.068515
Iter = 29| Input = 102.375| Output = 0001010000 (10.00) | actual = 10.118053 | abserror = 0.118053
Iter = 30| Input = 104.250| Output = 0001010000 (10.00) | actual = 10.210289 | abserror = 0.210289

Create a New HDL Coder Project

coder -hdlcoder -new mlhdlc_sqrt_prj

Next, add the file mlhdlc_sqrt.m to the project as the MATLAB Function and mlhdlc_sqrt_tb.m as the MATLAB Test Bench.

For a more complete tutorial on creating and populating MATLAB HDL Coder projects, see Get Started with MATLAB to HDL Workflow.

Run HDL Code Generation

This design is already in fixed point and suitable for HDL code generation. It is not desirable to run floating point to fixed point advisor on this design.

  1. Click the Workflow Advisor button to start the HDL Workflow Advisor.

  2. In the HDL Workflow Advisor task, set Fixed-point conversion to Keep original types.

  3. In the HDL Code Generation task, select the Optimizations tab.

  4. Clear the MAP persistent array variables to RAMs checkbox. Unchecking this option prevents the pipeline from being inferred as RAM.

  5. Additionally, you can select Distribute pipeline registers, set Resource sharing factor to the wordlength (10 here), and select Stream Loops.

  6. Right-click on the HDL Code Generation task and click Run This Task.

Examine the generated HDL code by clicking on the hyperlinks in the Code Generation Log window.

Examine the Synthesis Results

  1. Run the logic synthesis step with the following default options if you have ISE installed on your machine.

  2. In the synthesis report, note the clock frequency reported by the synthesis tool without any optimization options enabled.

  3. Typically the timing performance of this design, using Xilinx ISE synthesis tool for the Virtex7 chip family, device xc7v285t, speed grade -3, is around 229MHz with a maximum combinatorial path delay of 0.406ns.

  4. Optimizations for this design (loop streaming and multiplier sharing) work to reduce resource usage, with a moderate trade-off on timing. For the particular word-length size in test bench you see a reduction of n multipliers to one.

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