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Build Options

Build action

Default: Build, load and run

Build, load and run

Press Ctrl+B or click Build, load and run.

  1. Generates code from the model.

  2. Compiles and links the code into an executable with libraries.

  3. Loads the executable and libraries into the hardware board.

  4. Runs the executable on the hardware board.


Press Ctrl+B or click Build.

  1. Generates code from the model.

  2. Compiles and links the code into an executable with libraries.

This option does not load and run the executable on the Infineon AURIX TC3x.

Disable parallel build

Select to compile the generated code in parallel order for faster build.

  • on – When you select this option, the support package compiles generated code in a sequential order.

  • off – When you clear the option, the support package compiles generated code parallely. Parallel execution reduces the time taken to build the model.

Default: off

Enable force rebuild of static library

Select to force rebuild of the static driver library.

  • on – When you select this option, Infineon iLLD library files are built each time you compile the Simulink® model, thus resulting in a slower build.


    Ensure to select the Enable force rebuild of static library parameter, when you set Build configurations to Specify and modify Tool options in Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Toolchain settings.

  • off – When you clear the selection, Infineon iLLD library files are saved in a static library file. This library file is created only when the Simulink model is compiled for the first time. For all consecutive compilations, the support package uses the same library file, resulting in a faster build.

Default: off

Enable program cache #

Select the program cache.

Enable data cache #

Select the data cache.