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Format neural data for efficient GPU training or simulation


[Y,Q,N,TS] = nndata2gpu(X)


nndata2gpu requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™.

nndata2gpu(x) takes an N-by-Q matrix X of Q N-element column vectors, and returns it in a form for neural network training and simulation on the current GPU device.

The N-by-Q matrix becomes a QQ-by-N gpuArray where QQ is Q rounded up to the next multiple of 32. The extra rows (Q+1):QQ are filled with NaN values. The gpuArray has the same precision ('single' or 'double') as X.

[Y,Q,N,TS] = nndata2gpu(X) can also take an M-by-TS cell array of M signals over TS time steps. Each element of X{i,ts} should be an Ni-by-Q matrix of Q Ni-element vectors, representing the ith signal vector at time step ts, across all Q time series. In this case, the gpuArray Y returned is QQ-by-(sum(Ni)*TS). Dimensions Ni, Q, and TS are also returned so they can be used with gpu2nndata to perform the reverse formatting.

nndata2gpu(X,PRECISION) specifies the default precision of the gpuArray, which can be 'double' or 'single'.


Copy a matrix to the GPU and back:

x = rand(5,6)
[y,q] = nndata2gpu(x)
x2 = gpu2nndata(y,q)

Copy neural network cell array data, representing four time series, each consisting of five time steps of 2-element and 3-element signals:

x = nndata([2;3],4,5)
[y,q,n,ts] = nndata2gpu(x)
x2 = gpu2nndata(y,q,n,ts)

Version History

Introduced in R2012b

See Also

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