Deploy Trained Reinforcement Learning Policy as Microservice Docker Image
Supported platform: Linux®, Windows®, macOS
This example shows how to create a microservice Docker® image from a MATLAB® reinforcement learning policy. The microservice image created by MATLAB Compiler SDK™ provides an HTTP/HTTPS endpoint to access MATLAB code.
You package a MATLAB function into a deployable archive, and then create a Docker image that contains the archive and a minimal MATLAB Runtime package. You can then run the image in Docker and make calls to the service using any of the MATLAB Production Server™ client APIs.
Required Products
Type ver
at the MATLAB command prompt to verify whether the following products are installed:
Reinforcement Learning Toolbox™
Deep Learning Toolbox™
MATLAB Compiler™
Verify that you have MATLAB Compiler SDK installed on the development machine.
Verify that you have Docker installed and configured on the development machine by typing
[~,msg] = system('docker version')
in a MATLAB command window. Note: If you are using WSL, use the command[~,msg] = system('wsl docker version')
If you do not have Docker installed, install and set up Docker by following the instructions on the Docker website at
To build microservice images on Windows, you must install either Docker Desktop or Docker on Windows Subsystem for Linux v2 (WSL2). To install Docker Desktop, see
. For instructions on how to install Docker on WSL2, see
.If the computer you are using is not connected to the internet, download the MATLAB Runtime installer for Linux from a computer that is connected to the Internet and transfer the installer to the computer that is not connected to the Internet. Then, on the offline machine, run the command
, wherefilepath
is the path to the MATLAB Runtime installer archive. You can download the installer from the MathWorks website at
Create MATLAB Function to Evaluate the Policy
For this example, use a pretrained DQN agent to balance a cart-pole system. See Train DQN Agent to Balance Cart-Pole System (Reinforcement Learning Toolbox) for more details. Write a policy-evaluation function called evaluatePolicy.m
using the following code.
function action = evaluatePolicy(observation) % Generate action from policy % Load the policy from a MAT file % policy.mat might contain an agent or policy with the name "agent" persistent policy if isempty(policy) policy = load("policy.mat"); end % Evaluate the policy action = getAction(policy.agent,observation); end
Test the function from the MATLAB command line:
ans =
1×1 cell array
Create Deployable Archive
Package the evaluatePolicy
function into a deployable archive using the
You can specify additional options in the
command by using name-value arguments.
buildResults ='evaluatePolicy.m',... 'ArchiveName','cartPoleDQN','Verbose',true);
buildResults =
Results with properties:
BuildType: 'productionServerArchive'
Files: {'\home\mluser\work\cartPoleDQNproductionServerArchive\cartPoleDQN.ctf'}
IncludedSupportPackages: {}
Options: [1×1]
object buildResults
contains information on the build type, generated files, included support packages, and build options.
Once the build is complete, the function creates a folder named cartPoleDQNproductionServerArchive
in your current directory to store the deployable archive.
Package Archive into Microservice Docker Image
Build the microservice Docker image using the buildResults
object that you created. You can specify additional options in the
command by using name-value arguments. For details, see compiler.package.microserviceDockerImage
compiler.package.microserviceDockerImage(buildResults, ... 'ImageName','cartpoledqn-microservice', ... 'DockerContext',fullfile(pwd,'microserviceDockerContext'));
The function generates the following files within a folder named microserviceDockerContext
in your current working directory:
— Deployable archive fileDockerfile
— Docker file that specifies Docker run-time optionsGettingStarted.txt
— Text file that contains deployment information
Test Docker Image
In a system command window, verify that your cartPoleDQN-microservice
image is in your list of Docker images.
docker images
This command returns a list of Docker images, including your microservice.
Run the cartpoledqn-microservice
microservice image from the system command prompt. Port 9910 is the default port exposed by the microservice within the Docker container. You can map it to any available port on your host machine. For this example, map it to 9900.
docker run --rm -p 9900:9910 cartpoledqn-microservice -l trace &
You can specify additional options in the Docker command. For a complete list of options, see Microservice Command Arguments.
Once the microservice container is running in Docker, you can check the status of the service by going to http://hostname:9900/api/health
in a web browser.
Note: Use localhost
as the hostname if Docker is running on the same machine as the browser.
If the service is ready to receive requests, you see the message "status: ok"
Test the running service. In the terminal, use the curl
command to send a JSON query to the service through port 9900. For more information on constructing JSON requests, see JSON Representation of MATLAB Data Types.
curl --location 'http://localhost:9900/cartPoleDQN/evaluatePolicy' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"nargout":1,"rhs":[{"mwdata":[0,0,0,0],"mwsize":[4,1],"mwtype":"double"}]}'
The output is:
You can also test from the MATLAB desktop:
%% Import MATLAB HTTP interface packages import* import* import* %% Set up message body body = MessageBody; body.Payload = ... '{"nargout":1,"rhs":[{"mwdata":[0,0,0,0],"mwsize":[4,1],"mwtype":"double"}]}'; %% Set up request requestUri = URI('http://hostname:9900/cartPoleDQN/evaluatePolicy'); options ='ConnectTimeout',20,... 'ConvertResponse',false); request = RequestMessage; request.Header = HeaderField('Content-Type','application/json'); request.Method = 'POST'; request.Body = body; %% Send request and view raw response response = request.send(requestUri, options); disp(response.Body.Data) %% Decode JSON lhs = mps.json.decoderesponse(response.Body.Data); %% Display response as a table T = cell2table(lhs{:},'VariableNames',{'Action'})
Replace hostname
in the code above with the appropriate host. Since Docker is running locally, use localhost
To stop the service, use the following command to display the container ID.
docker ps
Stop the service using the specified container id.
docker stop 0662c1e1fa85
Share Docker Image
You can share your Docker image in various ways.
Push your image to the Docker central registry DockerHub or to your private registry.
Save your image as a tar archive and share it with others. This workflow is suitable for immediate testing.
For details about pushing your image to DockerHub or your private registry, consult the Docker documentation.
Save Docker Image as Tar Archive
To save your Docker image as a tar archive, open a system command window, navigate to the Docker context folder, and type the following.
docker save cartpoledqn-microservice -o cartpoledqn-microservice.tar
This command creates a file named cartpoledqn-microservice.tar
in the current folder. Set the appropriate permissions (for example, using chmod
) prior to sharing the tar archive with other users.
Load Docker Image from Tar Archive
Load the image contained in the tar archive on the end user machine.
docker load --input cartpoledqn-microservice.tar
Verify that the image is loaded.
docker images
Run Docker Image
docker run --rm -p 9900:9910 cartpoledqn-microservice
See Also
| compiler.package.microserviceDockerImage
| compiler.runtime.createInstallerDockerImage
Related Topics
- Train DQN Agent to Balance Cart-Pole System (Reinforcement Learning Toolbox)