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AI for Positioning Accuracy Enhancement

Since R2024a

This example shows how to use artificial intelligence (AI) for positioning New Radio (NR) user equipment (UE) and compares its performance with the traditional time difference of arrival (TDoA) technique commonly used in NR cellular networks.


The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) explored the use of AI for the NR air interface in Release 18. TR 38.843 identifies three primary use cases: channel state information (CSI) feedback enhancement, beam management, and positioning accuracy improvements [1]. This example shows how fingerprinting improves the accuracy of UE positioning in an industrial setting.

Traditional positioning algorithms, such as angle of arrival (AoA) and TDoA, rely extensively on line of sight (LoS) channels. When non-line-of-sight (NLoS) paths dominate, these conventional methods are less effective. As a result, the positioning accuracy of these traditional techniques does not meet the advanced requirements of 5G and future communications systems. To enhance positioning accuracy, you can use AI and machine learning (AI/ML) algorithms in two main ways:

  • Direct AI/ML positioning, in which the AI/ML model's inference yields the estimated UE position.

  • AI/ML-assisted positioning, where the AI/ML output provides intermediate estimates, such as LoS/NLoS path identification, along with angular and timing estimates. You can integrate these estimates with additional AI/ML models or traditional methods to ascertain the UE position.

Comparison of Direct AI/ML Positioning vs. AI/ML-Assisted Positioning

Both direct and assisted positioning methods can improve positioning accuracy, each with their own tradeoffs in accuracy and computational complexity. This example uses direct positioning to estimate the two-dimensional (2D) position of the UE. For examples of AI applications in CSI feedback enhancement and beam management, see CSI Feedback with Autoencoders, NR PDSCH Throughput Using Channel State Information Feedback, Neural Network for Beam Selection and Train DQN Agent for Beam Selection.

System Description

The 3GPP TR 38.901 standard [2] outlines various indoor factory (InF) scenarios, focusing on a factory hall characterized by differing clutter densities and transmitter/receiver (Tx/Rx) antenna heights. These scenarios include:

  • InF-SL — Indoor factory with sparse clutter and low base station height (Tx and Rx below the average height of the clutter)

  • InF-DL — Indoor factory with dense clutter and low base station height (Tx and Rx below the average height of the clutter)

  • InF-SH — Indoor factory with sparse clutter and high base station height (Tx or Rx elevated above the clutter)

  • InF-DH — Indoor factory with dense clutter and high base station height (Tx or Rx elevated above the clutter)

  • InF-HH — Indoor factory with high Tx and high Rx (both elevated above the clutter)

This example uses the industrial internet of things (IIoT) InF-DH scenario as the default environment for evaluating AI/ML-based positioning. The assessment of the attainable positioning performance relies on synchronization and channel estimation using uplink (UL) sounding reference signals (SRS). The example employs a UL SRS reference simulation to acquire channel parameters, which generate a labeled positioning data set with the 2D UE locations for AI/ML model training.

The operation of this uplink reference simulation includes the following steps:

  1. Scenario, channel, transmitter, and receiver configuration

  2. OFDM transmission of SRS

  3. Channel filtering and addition of AWGN

  4. OFDM demodulation, timing, and channel estimation

  5. Estimation of UE position based on AI/ML and TDoA

Process for UL SRS based channel estimation for positioning

Set Up Indoor Factory

This section explains how to configure the scenario. You can set parameters for the UE and the transmission reception point (TRP). You can also specify the number of UEs for training. Training may take several hours due to the large number of scenario parameters and data samples. Therefore, training is disabled by default, and the example uses a pretrained network. To enable training, set simParameters.Mode to Train.

By using the default scenario parameters, the AI/ML techniques outperform the TDoA techniques. To increase the accuracy of the TDoA techniques, enable an LoS connection between the TRP and UE by setting simParameters.Scenario to InF-HH or by adjusting simParameters.UEAntennaHeight to match simParameters.ClutterHeight.

simParameters.Mode            = "Simulate"; % Simulate with the pretrained network or train the network
simParameters.TrainRatio      = 0.95; % Define the ratio of training data relative to validation and test data

simParameters.Scenario        = "InF-DH"; % "InF-SL", "InF-DL", "InF-SH", "InF-DH", "InF-HH"
simParameters.HallSize        = [120 60 10]; % Dimensions of hall for InF scenarios: [length width height] in meters
simParameters.ClutterSize     = 2; % Clutter size (m)
simParameters.ClutterHeight   = 6; % Clutter height (m)
simParameters.ClutterDensity  = 0.6; % Clutter density, between 0 and 1

simParameters.BSSeparation    = [20 20]; 
simParameters.BSAntennaHeight = 8;
simParameters.BSNoiseFigure   = 5;

simParameters.UEDrop          = "random"; % UE drop type can be either 'random' or 'grid'
simParameters.NumUEs          = 15; % Number of UE positions; applicable if ueDropType is 'random'
simParameters.UESeparation    = [30 30]; % UE separation in x and y axes in meters; applicable if ueDropType is 'grid'
simParameters.UEAntennaHeight = 1.5; % UE antenna height on the z axis in meters

% Set a random number seed for repeatability
simParameters.Seed = 23;

% Configure and visualize the scenario
simParameters = h5GIndoorFactoryScenario(simParameters);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Density: 0.0021 UEs/m Squared baseline, xlabel Length (m), ylabel Width (m) contains 14 objects of type line, scatter. These objects represent TRPs, UE Positions.

Configure Carrier and SRS Parameters

The next step in UL SRS-based channel estimation for UE position estimation involves configuring the resource grid. Set the number of resource blocks and the subcarrier spacing. Increasing these parameters improves the time-of-arrival resolution. Then, configure the transmitter to set up a full-band positioning SRS transmission without using frequency hopping.

simParameters.Carrier = nrCarrierConfig;
simParameters.Carrier.NSizeGrid         = 270;
simParameters.Carrier.SubcarrierSpacing = 30; % in kHz

simParameters.SRS = nrSRSConfig;
simParameters.SRS.NumSRSSymbols = 12;  % Number of SRS OFDM symbols
simParameters.SRS.KTC           = 8 ; % Transmission comb number (subcarrier sparsity)
simParameters.SRS = hSRSConfig(simParameters);

To configure the channel estimation, you can choose either perfect or practical timing and channel estimation methods. In addition, you can use simplified frequency domain channel filtering. For an example of frequency domain channel filtering, see Accelerate End-to-End Simulation with Frequency-Domain Channel Modeling.

simParameters.Algorithmic = struct();
simParameters.Algorithmic.PerfectChannelEstimator = true;
simParameters.Algorithmic.PerfectTimingEstimator = true;
simParameters.Algorithmic.FrequencyDomainChannelFiltering = false;

Generate Propagation Channels and Training Data Set

Generate statistical channels based on TR 38.901 using the simulation parameters you selected previously.

  • Run the example in training mode (simParameters.Mode is Train) to generate an image-like channel response data set with TR 38.901 channels to train and validate the deep convolutional neural network (DCNN). Although the TR 38.901 channels are complex-valued, this example uses the magnitude of the channels for training and predictions.

  • Run the example in simulation mode (when simParameters.Mode is set to Simulate) to configure the propagation channels for positioning simulations to estimate 2D UE positions using a pretrained AI/ML network and conventional TDoA methods.

% Generate propagation channels based on TR 38.901
channels = h38901ChannelSetup(simParameters);

% Generate training and validation data sets if in the training workflow
if strcmp(simParameters.Mode,"Train")
    [dataTrain,dataValidate,inputSize,outputSize] = channels2ImageDataset(simParameters,channels);

Create and Train Network

This section guides you through building and training a residual network (ResNet) for improved UE positioning accuracy in NLoS conditions, or using SRS channel estimation in simulation mode to determine UE locations. Accordingly, you construct a DCNN known as a Residual Network (ResNet). After configuring the architecture, train the network in training mode or use UL SRS channel estimation to pinpoint UE positions in simulation mode. Deeper neural networks have shown an improved capacity for extracting and learning important features from images. However, simply adding more layers to create very deep networks can result in a plateau in accuracy and an increase in training errors, a phenomenon known as degradation. Residual networks address this issue by introducing shortcuts or skip connections, which allow gradients to propagate directly to earlier layers. For an example, see Train Residual Network for Image Classification (Deep Learning Toolbox).

In AI/ML-based positioning, channel measurements taken at the TRP or the user equipment (UE) serve as network inputs, while the output is the 2D position estimate of the UE, defining the task as a regression problem. Channel measurement-based images differ from those in typical image classification and regression tasks because they are not easily interpretable by humans, highlighting the importance of AI/ML networks in uncovering latent features that correlate with the UE's location. The ResNet architecture is favored for constructing very deep networks with less complexity, making it popular in positioning applications [3], [4], [5].

  • Run the example in simulation mode to load the pretrained Residual Network (ResNet) and evaluate the positioning performance with the generated test set, which comprises simParameters.NumUEs samples.

  • Run the example in training mode to design a custom ResNet architecture and set the training options. Train the network using the simParameters.TrainRatio portion of the total NumUEs samples, allocating the rest for validation. Use the validation set to monitor model performance and detect overfitting.

The eight-layer pretrained ResNet architecture is saved as resnet_positioning.mat in the example directory. The training of the pretrained network uses the default settings of this example, with simParameters.NumUEs set to 30,000. Additionally, as part of the preprocessing before training, scale the CSI images to 32-by-32-by-18 and normalize their values to fall within the range [0, 1].

Custom ResNet architecture

if strcmp(simParameters.Mode,"Train")
    % Generate the ResNet architecture
    [dlnet,dlparam] = customResNetLayers(inputSize,outputSize,[64 128 256],[1 1 1]);
    % Training options
    miniBatchSize = 128;

    options = trainingOptions("adam",...
    lossFcn = "mse";
    % Display the network summary
    % Train the network
    net = trainnet(dataTrain,dlnet,lossFcn,options);
else % Simulate
    % Load the pre-trained network
    if exist("trained_positioning.mat","file")
        loadNet = load("trained_positioning.mat");
        loadNet = load("resnet_positioning.mat");
    net =;
    dlparam = loadNet.dlparam;

    % Display the loaded network summary
Neural Network Summary
 - Number of layers: 8
 - Complexity: 1.2816 million
 - Input size: [ 32  32  18 ]
 - Output size: [ 2 ]

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object with title Custom 8-Layer ResNet Architecture contains an object of type graphplot.

Simulate AI/ML and TDoA Based Positioning

In this section, estimate UE positions using a positioning simulation that incorporates both AI/ML and TDoA methods. The estimation process includes generating the resource grid, creating the waveform, modeling the noisy channel, and performing synchronization and channel estimation. Certain steps apply only if you select practical channel and timing estimation options. You then display the positioning estimation error for both AI/ML and TDoA techniques. For AI/ML-based positioning, this example employs either perfect or practical channel estimates to ascertain the UE's position using a pretrained network or to initiate training of a custom DCNN. In TDoA-based positioning, the TRPs determine the timing offsets from the received SRS and apply these estimates to locate the UE, with the option of using either perfect or practical timing estimations. By default, this example assumes perfect timing estimation.

if strcmp(simParameters.Mode,"Train")
else % Simulate
    results = positioningSimulation(simParameters,channels,net);
UE   1/ 15 (  6.7%): AI/ML positioning error: 1.475 m. | TDoA positioning error: 36.399 m. 
UE   2/ 15 ( 13.3%): AI/ML positioning error: 0.501 m. | TDoA positioning error: 8.132 m. 
UE   3/ 15 ( 20.0%): AI/ML positioning error: 1.118 m. | TDoA positioning error: 9.675 m. 
UE   4/ 15 ( 26.7%): AI/ML positioning error: 0.766 m. | TDoA positioning error: 9.322 m. 
UE   5/ 15 ( 33.3%): AI/ML positioning error: 2.576 m. | TDoA positioning error: 6.792 m. 
UE   6/ 15 ( 40.0%): AI/ML positioning error: 4.038 m. | TDoA positioning error: 53.640 m. 
UE   7/ 15 ( 46.7%): AI/ML positioning error: 5.247 m. | TDoA positioning error: 43.829 m. 
UE   8/ 15 ( 53.3%): AI/ML positioning error: 2.073 m. | TDoA positioning error: 1.366 m. 
UE   9/ 15 ( 60.0%): AI/ML positioning error: 2.018 m. | TDoA positioning error: 20.430 m. 
UE  10/ 15 ( 66.7%): AI/ML positioning error: 3.335 m. | TDoA positioning error: 5.380 m. 
UE  11/ 15 ( 73.3%): AI/ML positioning error: 2.518 m. | TDoA positioning error: 13.223 m. 
UE  12/ 15 ( 80.0%): AI/ML positioning error: 2.995 m. | TDoA positioning error: 44.252 m. 
UE  13/ 15 ( 86.7%): AI/ML positioning error: 4.240 m. | TDoA positioning error: 53.591 m. 
UE  14/ 15 ( 93.3%): AI/ML positioning error: 1.783 m. | TDoA positioning error: 2.294 m. 
UE  15/ 15 (100.0%): AI/ML positioning error: 0.506 m. | TDoA positioning error: 28.111 m. 

Compare and Visualize Positioning Results

Finally, evaluate the positioning results based on AI/ML and TDoA methods.

  • Run the example in simulation mode to display a table displaying the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles of the positioning error for both AI/ML and TDoA methods, as well as a cumulative distribution plot of the positioning error.

  • Run the example in training mode to confirm that the trained network is saved in the current directory. To evaluate the network's performance, select Simulation from the simParameters.Mode dropdown list, and rerun the example.

The UE position estimation results demonstrate that AI/ML-based positioning, specifically using pretrained ResNet, outperforms the conventional TDoA method in highly NLoS-dominated InF-DH scenarios, where UL SRS is employed for both perfect and practical channel estimations.

if strcmp(simParameters.Mode,"Train")
    msgbox("Network is trained and saved in the current folder. You can now run the example in simulation mode.")
else % Simulate
                       AI/ML (ResNet)     TDoA 
                       ______________    ______

    10th percentile       0.50618        2.2937
    50th percentile        2.0728        13.223
    90th percentile        4.2396        53.591

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title CDF of 2D Positioning Error, xlabel Positioning Error (m), ylabel Cumulative Probability contains 2 objects of type stair. These objects represent AI/ML (ResNet), TDoA.

Impact of UE Count in Simulation Mode

The results below demonstrate the effect of increasing the number of UEs in the simulation mode of the example. The table and figure were generated using the default settings, with simParameters.NumUEs set to 3,000.


AI/ML (ResNet)


10th percentile

0.6665 m

4.742 m

50th percentile

1.7341 m

15.682 m

90th percentile

3.7172 m

46.978 m

Further Exploration: Create ResNet Layers

You can create your custom ResNet layers using customResNetLayers, based on the design described by K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren and J. Sun [6]. ResNet architecture is composed of a series of residual blocks or modules. Each residual block contains two convolutional layers, and each layer is followed by batch normalization and a rectified-linear-unit (ReLU) activation function. These layers form what is known as the 'main path.' The distinctive feature of a residual block is the 'skip connection,' which adds the input of the block to the output of the main path before the final ReLU activation. This shortcut path enables information to bypass certain layers, ensuring a more direct flow from input to deeper layers in the network.

To create ResNet layers, first create the main path for each residual block. Then, add the shortcut path to each block. Continue by connecting the residual blocks sequentially.

function [dlnet,dlparam] = customResNetLayers(inputSize,outputSize,resFilters,resRepetitions)
%customResNetLayers Generate custom ResNet architecture.
%   creates and returns the custom residual dlnetwork (DLNET) and the
%   network parameters (DLPARAM). The network has an input size of
%   INPUTSIZE and an output size of OUTPUTSIZE. The number of filters for
%   the 3x3 convolutional layers within each residual block is specified by
%   RESFILTERS, and the number of repetitions of each 3x3 convolution layer
%   is given by RESREPETITIONS.
%   The function generates a ResNet architecture without bottleneck
%   residual blocks. The architecture for an 18-layer network is specified
%   by (resFilters = [64 128 256 512]) and (resRepetitions = [2 2 2 2]), and
%   for a 34-layer network by (resFilters = [64 128 256 512]) and
%   (resRepetitions = [3 4 6 3]).
%   The architecture follows the pattern:
%   Input -> Conv2D -> BN -> ReLU -> Conv2D -> BN -> Addition -> ReLU -> Output    
%     |_________________________________________________|
%                              |
%         Identity or projection shortcut (using 1x1 filters, with the same
%         number of filters as the main path output, and a stride of 2 if
%         downsampling is required)
%   Note: This function does not support the 50-layer, 101-layer, and
%   152-layer ResNet architectures.

    dlparam = struct('idx',1,'conv',0,'relu',0,'bn',0,'pool',0,'fc',0,'add',0,'shortcut',0);
    dlparam.numChannels = 'auto';
    % Step 1: Generate initial layers before residual blocks
    dlparam.conv = dlparam.conv + 1; = + 1;
    dlparam.relu = dlparam.relu + 1;
    initLayers = [imageInputLayer(inputSize,Normalization='zerocenter',Name='input')
    dlnet = dlnetwork(initLayers);

    % Step 2: Generate residual blocks (intermediate layers)
    for filter = 1:length(resFilters)
        for repeat = 1:resRepetitions(filter)
            mainPath = [];
            shortcutPath = [];
            % Step 2.1: Create the main path
            % Reduce dimensions (use stride 2) if the block spans across the feature map

            % Begin with activation for the previous layer
            if dlparam.idx == 1
                dlparam.pool = dlparam.pool + 1; % Plus one to account for the batch norm from the previous layer
                mainPath = [mainPath
                            sourceName = 'relu'; % Only for the first residual block
                dlparam.relu = dlparam.relu + 1; % Plus one to account for the activation from the previous layer
                mainPath = [mainPath

            % First convolution of the main path (conv + bn + activation)
            dlparam.conv = dlparam.conv + 1;
   = + 1;
            dlparam.relu = dlparam.relu + 1;
            mainPath = [mainPath
                        convolution2dLayer(3,resFilters(filter),NumChannels=dlparam.numChannels,Stride=((dlparam.idx ~= 1) && (repeat == 1))+1,...
                        reluLayer(Name=['relu_',num2str(dlparam.relu)])]; % Stride is 2 if the block represents a new feature map size, otherwise 1
            % Second convolution in the main path, excluding the activation
            % function (conv + bn)
            dlparam.conv = dlparam.conv + 1;
   = + 1;
            mainPath = [mainPath
            % Step 2.2: Perform addition operation in the main path
            % followed by batch normalization
            dlparam.add = dlparam.add + 1;
            mainPath = [mainPath

                dlnet = addLayers(dlnet,mainPath); % Add mainPath

            % Step 2.3: Create the shortcut path
            % Use identity shortcut if the block spans across the feature map;
            % otherwise, use projection to reduce dimensions
            if (dlparam.idx ~= 1) && (repeat == 1) % Projection shortcut
                dlparam.shortcut = dlparam.shortcut + 1;
                shortcutPath = [shortcutPath
                                convolution2dLayer(1,resFilters(filter),Stride=(dlparam.idx ~= 1)+1,Name=['shortcut_conv_',num2str(dlparam.shortcut)])
                                batchNormalizationLayer(Name=['shortcut_bn_',num2str(dlparam.shortcut)])]; % Stride is 1 in the initial projection shortcut

                dlnet = addLayers(dlnet,shortcutPath);
                dlnet = connectLayers(dlnet,mainPath(1).Name,['shortcut_conv_',num2str(dlparam.shortcut)]);
                dlnet = connectLayers(dlnet,['shortcut_bn_',num2str(dlparam.shortcut)],['add_',num2str(dlparam.add),'/in2']);
            else % Identity shortcut
                dlparam.shortcut = dlparam.shortcut + 1;
                shortcutPath = [shortcutPath
                                functionLayer(@(X) X,Name=['shortcut_',num2str(dlparam.shortcut)])];

                dlnet = addLayers(dlnet,shortcutPath); % Add shortcutPath
                dlnet = connectLayers(dlnet,mainPath(1).Name,['shortcut_',num2str(dlparam.shortcut)]);
                dlnet = connectLayers(dlnet,['shortcut_',num2str(dlparam.shortcut)],['add_',num2str(dlparam.add),'/in2']);
            % Step 2.4: Interconnect the generated blocks
            destName = mainPath(1).Name;
            dlnet = connectLayers(dlnet,sourceName,destName);
            sourceName = mainPath(end).Name; % Store the last layer's name
            dlparam.idx = dlparam.idx + 1;

    % Step 3: Generate final layers after residual blocks
    dlparam.relu = dlparam.relu + 1;
    dlnet = addLayers(dlnet,reluLayer(Name=['relu_',num2str(dlparam.relu)]));
    dlnet = connectLayers(dlnet,sourceName,['relu_',num2str(dlparam.relu)]);
    dlparam.pool = dlparam.pool + 1;
    dlnet = addLayers(dlnet,globalAveragePooling2dLayer(Name='gloavgpool'));
    dlnet = connectLayers(dlnet,['relu_',num2str(dlparam.relu)],'gloavgpool');
    dlparam.fc = dlparam.fc + 1;
    dlnet = addLayers(dlnet,fullyConnectedLayer(outputSize,Name='fc'));
    dlnet = connectLayers(dlnet,'gloavgpool','fc');


[1] 3GPP TR 38.843, “Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NR air interface (Release 18)” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network.

[2] 3GPP TR 38.901, “Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100 GHz.” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network.

[3] TDOC R1-2305509, Samsung, "Evaluation on AI ML for Positioning ", 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 #113, Incheon, Korea, May 22nd – May 26th, 2023.

[4] TDOC R1-2305463, Oppo, "Evaluation methodology and preliminary results on AI/ML for positioning accuracy enhancement", 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 #113, Incheon, Korea, May 22nd – May 26th, 2023.

[5] B. Chatelier, V. Corlay, C. Ciochina, F. Coly and J. Guillet, "Influence of Dataset Parameters on the Performance of Direct UE Positioning via Deep Learning," 2023 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit), Gothenburg, Sweden, 2023, pp. 126-131, doi: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit58263.2023.10188249.

[6] K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren and J. Sun, "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition," 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2016, pp. 770-778, doi: 10.1109/CVPR.2016.90.

Local Functions

function results = positioningSimulation(cfg,channels,net)
% Estimate 2D UE positions for both AI-based and TDoA techniques using UL
% SRS estimated channels

    algParameters = cfg.Algorithmic;
    carrier = cfg.Carrier;
    srs = cfg.SRS;
    Pue = cfg.Pos3UE;
    Pbs = cfg.Pos3BS;
    numUE = size(Pue,1);
    ueTxPower = cfg.PowerBSs;
    bsNoiseFigure = cfg.BSNoiseFigure;
    DisplaySimulationInformation = true;
    % Enable channel filtering in all channels
    for i=1:numel(channels)
        channels(i).SmallScale.ChannelFiltering = ~algParameters.FrequencyDomainChannelFiltering;
    if ~algParameters.PerfectTimingEstimator && algParameters.FrequencyDomainChannelFiltering
        algParameters.PerfectTimingEstimator = true;
        warning('For frequency domain channel filtering, perfect timing estimation is required.')
    LOS = arrayfun(@(x) x.SmallScale.HasLOSCluster, channels);

    for ue = 1:numUE
        % This is a single-slot simulation. Set slot number to 0
        carrier.NSlot = 0;
        % Transmit SRS from current UE to all BSs
        txUL = hSRSTransmit(carrier,srs,ueTxPower,algParameters);
        % Apply fading channels to the signal
        [channels(:,ue),rxUL] = hChannel(carrier,channels(:,ue),txUL);
        % Apply AWGN
        rxUL = hAWGN(rxUL,bsNoiseFigure);
        % Estimate delays and channel responses from current UE to all BSs
        [H,~,delay] = hSRSReceive(carrier,srs,rxUL,algParameters);
        % Estimate the position of the UEs based on TDoA
        estPue = hEstimatePositionTDOA(Pbs,LOS(:,ue),delay.*1/rxUL(1).ofdmInfo.SampleRate);

        % Calculate the positioning estimation error
        results.TDoA.EstimatedPositions(ue,:) = estPue(1:2);
        results.TDoA.EstimationError(ue) = norm(estPue(1:2)-Pue(ue,1:2));

        % Estimate the positions of the UE based on AI
        estPue = hEstimatePositionAI(cfg,H,net);
        % Calculate the positioning estimation error
        results.AI.EstimatedPositions(ue,:) = estPue;
        results.AI.EstimationError(ue) = norm(estPue-Pue(ue,1:2));
        % Display progress if diagnostics are enabled
        if DisplaySimulationInformation
            fprintf('UE %3g/%3g (%5.1f%%): AI/ML positioning error: %3.3f m. | TDoA positioning error: %3.3f m. \n',...
    % Calculate the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles of the positioning estimation error vector
    results.TDoA.Percentiles = prctile(results.TDoA.EstimationError,[10 50 90]);
    results.AI.Percentiles = prctile(results.AI.EstimationError,[10 50 90]);

function txUL = hSRSTransmit(carrier,srs,txPower,algParameters)
% Map the SRS to the resource grid and transmit the waveform

    % Determine active UEs in the current slot by identifying non-empty SRS indices
    indices = nrSRSIndices(carrier,srs);
    active = ~isempty(indices);
    srs = srs(active);
    % Create an empty output structure
    txUL = struct('ulWaveform',[],'ulGrid',[],'ofdmInfo',[]);
    % Create the transmit resource grid
    ulGrid = nrResourceGrid(carrier,srs.NumSRSPorts,'OutputDataType','single');
    % Create SRS and map it to the resource grid
    symbols = nrSRS(carrier,srs);
    ulGrid(indices) = symbols;

    % Scale the amplitude of the resource grid and waveform to account for the
    % configured overall transmitted power
    amplitudeScaling = @(Pref,Pt) 1/sqrt(Pref)*sqrt(10^((Pt-30)/10));
    % Perform OFDM modulation on the signal
    if algParameters.FrequencyDomainChannelFiltering
        txUL.ofdmInfo = nrOFDMInfo(carrier);
        pref = sum(rms(ulGrid,[1 2]).^2)*(carrier.NSizeGrid*12/txUL.ofdmInfo.Nfft^2);
        txUL.ulGrid = ulGrid*amplitudeScaling(pref,txPower);
        [ulWaveform,txUL.ofdmInfo] = nrOFDMModulate(carrier,ulGrid);
        pref = sum(rms(ulWaveform).^2);
        txUL.ulWaveform = ulWaveform*amplitudeScaling(pref,txPower);

function rx = hAWGN(rx,noiseFigure)
% Add noise to the received waveform

  persistent kBoltz;
  if isempty(kBoltz)
      kBoltz = physconst('Boltzmann');
  % For each BS
  numBS = numel(rx);
  for bs = 1:numBS
      % Establish dimensionality based on:
      % - the received waveform, if ChannelFiltering is true, or
      % - the received grid, if ChannelFiltering is false
      ofdmInfo = rx(bs).ofdmInfo;
      if (~isempty(rx(bs).rxWaveform))
          [T,Nr] = size(rx(bs).rxWaveform);
          [K,L,R] = size(rx(bs).rxGrid);
      % Calculate the required noise power spectral density
      NF = 10^(noiseFigure/10);
      N0 = sqrt(kBoltz*ofdmInfo.SampleRate*290*NF);
      % Create noise for the first UE and record it in the output. This
      % will be used if perfect channel estimation is configured
      if ~isempty(rx(bs).rxWaveform)
          noise = N0*randn([T Nr],'like',1i);
          rx(bs).noise = noise;
          noiseGrid = N0*sqrt(ofdmInfo.Nfft)*randn(K,L,R,'like',1i);
          rx(bs).noiseGrid = noiseGrid;
      % Add noise to the received waveform or received grid. The choice
      % depends on the ChannelFiltering setting (true or false)
      if (~isempty(rx(bs).rxWaveform))
          rx(bs).rxWaveform = rx(bs).rxWaveform + noise;
          rx(bs).rxGrid = rx(bs).rxGrid + noiseGrid;

function [H,nVar,delay] = hSRSReceive(carrier,srs,rx,alg)
% Generate received signal demodulation, operations on the received signal

    numBS = size(rx,1);
    H = cell(numBS,1);
    nVar = cell(numBS,1);
    delay = NaN(numBS,1);
   % Create SRS symbols and indices
    indices = nrSRSIndices(carrier,srs);
    symbols = nrSRS(carrier,srs);

    for bs = 1:numBS
        % Perform OFDM demodulation on the received signal
        if (alg.PerfectChannelEstimator)
            [offset,corr] = nrPerfectTimingEstimate(rx(bs).pathGains,rx(bs).pathFilters.');
            [offset,corr] = nrTimingEstimate(carrier,rx(bs).rxWaveform,indices,symbols);
        delay(bs) = offset;
        % Receiver aspects related to TDoA-based positioning
        scorr = sum(corr,2);
        if length(scorr) >= (2+offset)
            % Find the correlation peak
            scorr = scorr/max(scorr);
            minPeak = max(0.3+std(scorr));
            [~,idx] = findpeaks(scorr,MinPeakHeight=minPeak,WidthReference = 'halfprom');
            offset = idx(1)-1;
            % Perform linear interpolation of the correlation peak to estimate fractional delay
            idx = [-1 0 1];
            scorr = scorr(1 + offset + idx).';
            scorr = scorr/sum(scorr);
            delay(bs) = scorr*(offset + idx.') - rx(bs).ChannelFilterDelay;
        % Receiver aspects required for AI-based positioning
        rxGrid = rx(bs).rxGrid;
        if (isempty(rxGrid))
            rxWaveform = rx(bs).rxWaveform;
            rxWaveform = rxWaveform(1+offset:end,:);
            rxGrid = nrOFDMDemodulate(carrier,rxWaveform);
        % Perform channel and noise estimation
        if (alg.PerfectChannelEstimator)
            HL = nrPerfectChannelEstimate(carrier,rx(bs).pathGains,rx(bs).pathFilters.',offset);
            nVarL = var(rx(bs).noiseGrid(:));
            % Perform channel estimation for each antenna layer
            [HL,nVarL] = nrChannelEstimate(rxGrid,indices,symbols,'CDMLengths',hSRSCDMLengths(srs));
        % Create output for channel estimate and noise estimate
        H{bs} = HL;
        nVar{bs} = nVarL;

function estPue = hEstimatePositionTDOA(Pbs,los,delay)
% Estimate the UE position using TDoA

    persistent lightSpeed;
    if isempty(lightSpeed)
        lightSpeed = physconst('LightSpeed');

    if sum(los)>3
        idx = find(los);
        Pbs = Pbs(idx,:);
        delay = delay(idx);
    d = delay*lightSpeed;
    idx = 2:size(Pbs,1);
    A = 2*Pbs(idx,1)./d(idx) - 2*Pbs(1,1)/d(1);
    B = 2*Pbs(idx,2)./d(idx) - 2*Pbs(1,2)/d(1);
    C = 2*Pbs(idx,3)./d(idx) - 2*Pbs(1,3)/d(1);
    D = d(idx) - d(1) - sum(Pbs(idx,:).^2,2)./d(idx) + sum(Pbs(1,:).^2,2)/d(1);
    M = [A B C];
    estPue = (-pinv(M)*D).';

function srs = hSRSConfig(cfg)
% Create and configure the SRS object

    carrier = cfg.Carrier;
    % Create SRS configuration object and set its parameters
    srs = nrSRSConfig;
    srs.NumSRSSymbols = cfg.SRS.NumSRSSymbols;
    srs.SymbolStart = carrier.SymbolsPerSlot-cfg.SRS.NumSRSSymbols;
    % Configure SRS for the widest bandwidth that fits within the carrier
    CSRS = srs.BandwidthConfigurationTable{:,"C_SRS"};
    mSRS0 = srs.BandwidthConfigurationTable{:,"m_SRS_0"};
    srs.CSRS = CSRS(find(mSRS0 <= carrier.NSizeGrid,1,'last'));
    srs.BHop = 3;           % Disable frequency hopping
    srs.KTC = cfg.SRS.KTC;
    srs.SRSPositioning = 1;
    srs.KBarTC = 0;
    srs.NumSRSPorts = cfg.SRS.NumSRSPorts;
    srs.NSRSID = 0;

function [channels,rxUL] = hChannel(carrier,channels,txUL)
% Pass the waveform through the channel in the UL direction

    % Set the sample rate and initial time, then calculate the maximum
    % delay
    ofdmInfo = txUL(1).ofdmInfo;
    [channels,maxDelay] = setupChannels(channels,ofdmInfo);
    L = carrier.SymbolsPerSlot;
    symbolLengths = ofdmInfo.SymbolLengths(mod(carrier.NSlot,carrier.SlotsPerSubframe)*L + (1:L));
    samplesPerSlot = sum(symbolLengths);
    numBS = size(channels,1);
    rxUL = repmat(newOutputStruct(),numBS,1);
    for bs = 1:numBS % For each BS
        % Select the channel for processing
        cdl = channels(bs).SmallScale;
        % Extract the uplink waveform and grid for the current UE
        ulWaveform = txUL.ulWaveform;
        ulGrid = txUL.ulGrid;
        % Pad the waveform to ensure the channel filter is fully flushed
        nT = size(ulWaveform,2);
        ulWaveform = [ulWaveform; zeros(maxDelay,nT)]; %#ok<AGROW>
        % Pass the uplink waveform through the channel
        ofdmInfo = txUL.ofdmInfo;
        if (cdl.ChannelFiltering)
            s = applyChannel(channels(bs),ulWaveform,ofdmInfo);
            cdl.NumTimeSamples = samplesPerSlot;
            s = applyFrequencyDomainChannel(carrier,channels(bs),ulGrid,ofdmInfo);
        % Record the output from the channel
        rxUL(bs) = s;

function s = applyChannel(channel,txWaveform,ofdmInfo)
% Pass the waveform through the channel, record the output and related
% information in the structure 's'

    s = newOutputStruct();
    s.ofdmInfo = ofdmInfo;
    [rxWaveform,pathGains] = channel.SmallScale(txWaveform);
    s.rxWaveform = rxWaveform*channel.LargeScale;
    % Apply beamforming (TXRU virtualization) to the channel output
    pathGains = h38901Channel.applyBeamforming(channel.SmallScale,pathGains,channel.TXRUVirtualization);
    % Combine large-scale channel effects with path gains
    s.pathGains = pathGains * channel.LargeScale;
    s.ChannelFilterDelay = channel.chInfo.ChannelFilterDelay;
    s.pathFilters = channel.PathFilters;

function [channels,maxChDelay] = setupChannels(channels,ofdmInfo)
% Set the sample rate and initial time, then calculate the maximum delay
    numBS = size(channels,1);
    maxChDelay = 0;
    for bs = 1:numBS
        % Set the channel sample rate
        cdl = channels(bs).SmallScale;
        cdl.SampleRate = ofdmInfo.SampleRate;
        % Obtain the maximum delay of the channel
        chInfo = info(cdl);
        channels(bs).chInfo = chInfo;
        maxChDelay = max(maxChDelay,chInfo.MaximumChannelDelay);

function s = newOutputStruct()

    s = struct('rxWaveform',[],'rxGrid',[],'ofdmInfo',[],'pathGains',[],'noise',[],...

function s = applyFrequencyDomainChannel(carrier,channel,txGrid,ofdmInfo)
% Pass the waveform through the channel in frequency domain

    s = newOutputStruct();
    s.ofdmInfo = ofdmInfo;
    s.pathGains = channel.SmallScale();
    s.pathFilters = channel.PathFilters;

    % Apply beamforming (TXRU virtualization) to the channel output
    pathGains = channel.SmallScale();
    pathGains = h38901Channel.applyBeamforming(channel.SmallScale,pathGains,channel.TXRUVirtualization);
    % Combine large-scale channel effects with path gains
    s.pathGains = pathGains * channel.LargeScale;
    % Calculate perfect channel estimates and apply them to the resource grid
    offset = nrPerfectTimingEstimate(s.pathGains,s.pathFilters.');
    H = nrPerfectChannelEstimate(carrier,s.pathGains,s.pathFilters.',offset);
    H = H(:,1:size(txGrid,2),:,:);
    s.rxGrid = applyChannelMatrices(txGrid,H);
    s.ChannelFilterDelay = channel.chInfo.ChannelFilterDelay;

function out = applyChannelMatrices(in,H)

    [K,L,R,P] = size(H);
    out = zeros([K L R],'like',H);
    a = reshape(in,K*L,P);
    b = permute(H,[1 2 4 3]);
    b = reshape(b,K*L,P,R);
    for r = 1:R
        out(:,:,r) = sum(reshape(a.*b(:,:,r),K,L,P),3);

function channels = h38901ChannelSetup(cfg)
% Generate channels compliant with TR 38.901 using the scenario parameters

    % Create a carrier configuration and retrieve OFDM information
    carrier = cfg.Carrier;
    ofdmInfo = nrOFDMInfo(carrier);
    % Set up the channel configuration structure for BS -> UE direction;
    % the channel must be configured as downlink due to TXRU virtualization
    % on the transmit side
    cfg.AbsoluteTOA = true;
    cfg.SampleRate = ofdmInfo.SampleRate;
    cfg.HasSmallScale = true;
    cfg.FastFading = true;
    cfg.SpatialConsistency = false;
    % Create the path loss configuration
    plc = nrPathLossConfig(Scenario=cfg.Scenario);
    % Loop over each BS
    for i = 1:cfg.NumBSs
        % Set BS position
        cfg.BSPosition = cfg.Pos3BS(i,:);
        % Loop over each each UE
        for j = 1:cfg.NumUEs
            % -----------------------------------------------------------------
            % Channel generator setup
            if (i==1 && j==1)
                % SitePositions should be set to an N-by-3 matrix (each row
                % being the [x y z] position in metres of a BS) when creating
                % the first link of a set of links, to initialize state related
                % to spatially-correlated LSPs and spatially-consistent SSPs if
                % enabled.
                cfg.SitePositions = cfg.Pos3BS;
                % SitePositions should be set to [] when creating subsequent
                % links in the same environment, to re-use the state described
                % above
                cfg.SitePositions = [];
            % -----------------------------------------------------------------
            % Create the channel for a UE-BS link
            % Select a random UE position
            cfg.UEPosition = cfg.Pos3UE(j,:);
            % Set up subscripts for the current nodes and one sector
            cfg.NodeSubs = [i 1 j];
            % Create channel for this UE
            channel = h38901Channel.createChannelLink(cfg);
            % Apply it to large scale channel. Note that in the SLS, for
            % efficiency the h38901Channel object maintains a single
            % nrPathLossConfig and applies it to each channel
            channel.LargeScale = channel.LargeScale(plc);
            % Swap transmit and receive to configure for UE -> BS channel
            % Evaluate large scale channel
            PLdB = channel.LargeScale.execute(cfg.UEPosition,cfg.BSPosition,cfg.CenterFrequency);
            channel.LargeScale = db2mag(-PLdB);
            channel.chInfo = [];
            % -----------------------------------------------------------------
            % Record the channel for a UE-BS link
            channels(i,j) = channel; %#ok<AGROW>

function hDisplayNetworkSummary(net,details)
% Display the details of the deep neural network and plot its architecture

    numLearnables = sum(cellfun(@(x) numel(x),net.Learnables.Value))/1e6; % millions
    numLayers = details.conv+details.fc;
    disp('Neural Network Summary')
    fprintf(' - Number of layers: %i\n',numLayers)
    if net.Initialized
        fprintf(' - Complexity: %.4f million\n',numLearnables)
    fprintf(' - Input size: [ %s ]\n',num2str(net.Layers(1).InputSize))
    fprintf(' - Output size: [ %s ]\n',num2str(net.Layers(end).OutputSize))
    axis off
    box off
    axis square
    title(['Custom ',num2str(numLayers),'-Layer ResNet Architecture'])

function [trainData,valData,inputSize,outputSize] = channels2ImageDataset(cfg,channels)
% Generate an image-like data set of UL SRS estimated channels using TR 38.901 channel models

    algParameters = cfg.Algorithmic;
    carrier = cfg.Carrier;
    ofdmInfo = nrOFDMInfo(carrier);
    srs = cfg.SRS;
    Pue = cfg.Pos3UE;
    numUE = size(Pue,1);
    ueTxPower = cfg.PowerBSs;
    bsNoiseFigure = cfg.BSNoiseFigure;
    DisplaySimulationInformation = true;
    numDisp = 10; % Number of display text items shown
    deltaDisp = (numUE-3)/(numDisp-1);
    progressIdx = [1 floor(deltaDisp):floor(deltaDisp):numUE-floor(deltaDisp) numUE];
    X = []; % features array
    if algParameters.PerfectChannelEstimator % perfect channel estimation
        for j=1:size(channels,2)
            HArray = [];
            dispProgress = DisplaySimulationInformation;
            for i=1:size(channels,1)
                channel = channels(i,j); % (numBSs x numUEs)
                % Set up any other aspects of the small-scale channel that might vary
                % depending on the context of the calling code
                channel.SmallScale.NumTimeSamples = sum(ofdmInfo.SymbolLengths(1:ofdmInfo.SymbolsPerSlot));
                % Execute the small-scale channel to obtain CDL path gains
                % and sample times
                cdl = channel.SmallScale;
                [pathGains,sampleTimes] = cdl();
                % Retrieve precalculated path filters
                pathFilters = channel.PathFilters.';
                % Apply beamforming (TXRU virtualization) to the channel output
                pathGains = h38901Channel.applyBeamforming(channel.SmallScale,pathGains,channel.TXRUVirtualization);
                % Combine large-scale channel effects with path gains
                pathGains = pathGains * channel.LargeScale;
                % Perform perfect timing synchronization and channel estimation
                offset = nrPerfectTimingEstimate(pathGains,pathFilters);
                % H is a complex 3-D array with dimensions: 
                % (NumSC x NumSym x NumPorts)
                H = nrPerfectChannelEstimate(carrier,pathGains,pathFilters,offset,sampleTimes);
                % Perform time-domain dimensionality reduction due to lack
                % of UE mobility
                H = squeeze(H(:,1,:));

                % Store the reduced-dimension channels
                % (NumPorts x NumPorts x NumBaseStations)
                HArray = cat(3,HArray,H);
                % Display progress at custom intervals if diagnostics are enabled
                if (DisplaySimulationInformation) && dispProgress && any(j == progressIdx)
                    fprintf('Generating Data Set: %3.2f%% complete.\n',100*j/numUE);
                    dispProgress = false;
            % Image-like channel data set
            % (Subcarriers x OFDM Symbols x NumPorts x NumBaseStations)
            X = cat(4,X,hChannel2Image(cfg,HArray));
    else % practical channel estimation

        % Enable channel filtering in all channels
        for i=1:numel(channels)
            channels(i).SmallScale.ChannelFiltering = true;

        for ue = 1:numUE
            % This is a single-slot simulation. Set slot number to 0
            carrier.NSlot = 0;
            % Transmit SRS from current UE to all BSs
            txUL = hSRSTransmit(carrier,srs,ueTxPower,algParameters);
            % Apply fading channels to the signal
            [channels(:,ue),rxUL] = hChannel(carrier,channels(:,ue),txUL);
            % Apply AWGN
            rxUL = hAWGN(rxUL,bsNoiseFigure);
            % For all UEs scheduled for SRS, estimate the Channel State
            % Information (CSI) and record it
            [H,~,~] = hSRSReceive(carrier,srs,rxUL,algParameters);
            % Perform time-domain dimensionality reduction due to lack of UE
            % mobility
            H = cellfun(@(x) squeeze(x(:,1,:)),H,'UniformOutput',false);
            % Generate a collection of estimated CSI
            % HArray dimensions:
            % (NumPorts x NumPorts x NumBaseStations)
            HArray = cat(3,H{:},[]);
            % Image-like channel data set
            % (Subcarriers x OFDM Symbols x NumPorts x NumBaseStations)
            X = cat(4,X,hChannel2Image(cfg,HArray));
            % Display progress at custom intervals if diagnostics are enabled
            if (DisplaySimulationInformation) && any(ue == progressIdx)
                fprintf('Generating Data Set: %3.2f%% complete.\n',100*ue/numUE);
    clearvars("channels"); % Remove for memory efficiency

    % Generate training and validation data sets
    % Data set dimensions: [NumPorts, NumPorts, NumBSs, NumUEs]
    % where the last dimension is the 'batch' dimension
    inputSize = size(X,1:3);
    outputSize = size(cfg.Pos2UE,2);
    y = cfg.Pos2UE; % labels
    % Split the data set into training, validation, and test sets
    [trainInd,valInd,~] = ...
    % Training data
    XTrain = X(:,:,:,trainInd);
    yTrain = y(trainInd,:);
    XTrain = arrayDatastore(XTrain,"IterationDimension",ndims(X));
    yTrain = arrayDatastore(yTrain,"IterationDimension",1);
    trainData = combine(XTrain,yTrain);
    % Validation data
    XVal = X(:,:,:,valInd);
    yVal = y(valInd,:);
    % Display data set information
    fprintf('Number of training images: %i\n',numpartitions(trainData))
    if ~isempty(valInd)
        XVal = arrayDatastore(XVal,"IterationDimension",ndims(X));
        yVal = arrayDatastore(yVal,"IterationDimension",1);
        valData = combine(XVal,yVal);
        fprintf('Number of validation images: %i\n',numpartitions(valData))
        valData = []; % No validation data

function estPue = hEstimatePositionAI(cfg,H,net)
% Estimate the UE position using AI

    % AI-based CSI preprocessing. Perform time-domain dimensionality
    % reduction due to lack of UE mobility
    H = cellfun(@(x) squeeze(x(:,1,:)),H,'UniformOutput',false);

    % Generate a collection of estimated CSI
    % HArray dimensions: [Subcarriers, OFDM Symbols, NumPorts, NumBaseStations]
    HArray = cat(3,H{:},[]);

    % Convert channel estimates to an image-like format [NumPorts, NumPorts, NumBaseStations]
    csiImages = hChannel2Image(cfg,HArray);
    % Estimate the positions of the UEs using AI-based techniques
    estPue = predict(net,csiImages);   

function positioningSimulationResults(results)
% Display and visualize the results from AI and TDoA positioning simulations

    t = table(results.AI.Percentiles(:),results.TDoA.Percentiles(:));
    t.Properties.VariableNames = ["AI/ML (ResNet)", "TDoA"];
    t.Properties.RowNames = ["10th percentile","50th percentile","90th percentile"];
    plotCDF = @(x) stairs(sort(x),(1:length(x))/length(x),'LineWidth',1.5);
    hold on
    hold off
    title('CDF of 2D Positioning Error');
    xlabel('Positioning Error (m)')
    ylabel('Cumulative Probability')
    legend('AI/ML (ResNet)','TDoA','Location','best')
    grid on

function csiImages = hChannel2Image(cfg,HArray)
% Convert the channel matrices into a (NumAntennaPorts x NumAntennaPorts x NumBSs)
% image-like array
    csiImages = abs(HArray);
    csiImages = imresize(csiImages,repmat(prod(cfg.TransmitAntennaArray.Size),1,2));
    csiImages = rescale(csiImages,0,1);

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