adaptive model predictive control

2 views (last 30 days)
E U on 17 May 2015
Commented: E U on 19 May 2015
In the following link (or above picture) in the controlled system, why are the initial inputs and outputs are subtracted from system inputs/outputs and the resulting signals then delayed? I have indicated these parts in a red rectangle.

Accepted Answer

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy on 18 May 2015
The intitial values are substracted to remove the offset from the data. The delay block resamples continuous signals coming from the plant model, as the estimator requires discrete-time signals sampled at Ts. You could use Rate Transition block instead.
Hope this helps.
  1 Comment
E U on 19 May 2015
Thanks Arkadiy for your answer. Still, I wonder the question that I asked in the attached picture. I will be happy for your feedback on my question.

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